Friday, October 24, 2008

36-hour Cialis

Dear Makers of Cialis,

I have a boner.

Let me rephrase that. Over the past day and a half I have had several throbbing stiffies that have lasted just under the 4-hour target mark for calling my physician. I just wanted to send this quick note that I think your product sucks balls, no pun intended.

Oh, yeah...and the whole adage of "when you're ready?" What kind of bullshit is that anyway? I am ALWAYS ready. What happens when SHE isn't ready? We mess around a bit, my prick still in its permanent catatonic state and yet, I pop the pill to wake it up, and she is no longer in the mood. So I am left to tug at this rock hard needless pole you have left me with. Even then I do not get any relief. This isn't the first time this has happened. Last week, I took one of your magic pills on Thursday thinking by Friday night, even at the tail end of the blood boost this son of a bitch gives me I would AT THE VERY LEAST catch her "in the mood," I got nothing. Have you ever been wearing khakis, only to have this protrusion grow even with the fabric resistance that is Dockers? It hurts like a son of a bitch. Not to mention, my constant adjusting makes people at work wonder if I am harboring a public lice farm in my shorts. Maybe you need to come up with a partnering drug called SHE-ALIS. The slogan can be, "when his raging rock cock is making him contemplate raping herd of sheep, you will for once in your life, be ready." It can be disguised as a Cheese-It. I can easily pass that to her a few minutes after I have popped my personal hormone. I have yet to see her pass up a Cheese-It.

So to conclude, go phuck yourselves. I hope you and your drug get ass raped by a herd of Wildebeests. I hope some deranged customer finds you and strips you down, paints your body with honey and throws you into a fire ant pile. In fact, I hope they force feed you your shit product and only paint the never ending erection you are FORCED to have and release the ants on your nether regions. At least then, you will know the pain I feel every time "I am ready."



"I hate my constant unused erection"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Peyton, the 5-year old diva

I am all for individuality. I want all my kids to have it. I want them to be able to stand up in any social situation and proclaim at the top of her lungs "CAR PE DIEM!" Hopefully, it suits the situation so that her reputation is not soiled.

However, it has come to my attention that my desire for a functioning, confident child is quickly being replaced by a roll of duct tape. Her timing is horrible. She barters more than OPEC. Ask her once to do something and the regret is immediate that a request was even uttered as she begins her filibuster. Asking her to get her pajamas on is usually followed with a banter about how cotton pajamas are being hemmed by the children of 3rd world countries and those governments are not paying those children more than pennies on the dollar. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! Just go change. "Does it mean bed time," she usually asks. No, Peyton, it means a damn cocktail party. It's like talking to a Republican, Democrat or worse yet....a teenager. Two words come to mind. SHUT....UP!

A few nights ago, she gave my wife a look that could freeze water after she was asked to do something simple like brush her teeth. I immediately told her not to look at her Mother like that. Her response? Shoulders shrugged, she said "Did it look like I was doing that?" The look on her face was one of ass-clown bewilderment. you didn't. I took two steps towards her and she cowered into the bathroom, toothbrush in hand. She fluffs her feathers with the best of them, but cannot really follow through. At 5-years old, I am not sure I want follow through. All of this unwanted emotion is coming from her without the help of hormones. Once her eggs start dropping, I am going on a long vacation.

It is difficult raising a diva. I am not sure where her dominating personality came from. The only thing missing from her lion-taming repertoire (her brother being the lion) is a whip. She reminds me of a cat, all fluffed up and growling, tail enlarged to 5 times its normal size. Her bark is worse than her bite. I am amazed at her lack of fear, however. Her brother, and frankly, her father, hate spiders. She kills them with the best of them. But when it comes to wanting her to go to sleep, there is something that makes her want to fight it. She has to pee, or blow her nose, or pee out her nose...something always makes her get up. If I didn't know any better, this girl had a UTI.

Instead of milk, maybe she should have cranberry juice?

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I watched the debate last night as I was removing the bamboo shoots from under my toenails. I had nothing better to do. These debates are supposed to make voters lean one way or another. I made my decision.

I am voting for Nader.

I figure I will be able to say that I voted and not hear about how I needed to vote because it is my responsibility. I get sick of people telling me, when they hear I did not vote, how sad it is that I do not exercise my right to vote. I kindly remind them that it is, in fact, MY right, to do with as I choose, and to kindly get ass raped by a grizzly bear. This year however, I figure I will vote for the candidate that will only get 1% of the popular vote to quiet the nay-sayers, and then wait and watch as the country gets thrown down the shitter.

The only thing I learned after watching the final debate before the election is that McCain is a angry little man. His puffy face and beady eyes reminded me that he is a perfect politician. This is his last shot at a permanent pension and a life-time secret service detail. I see him, if he wins, laughing up a storm and saying "nee nerr nee nerr" all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue. I cannot, in good conscience vote for the husband of a Stepford wife. It scares me. He seemed so desperate to point out that Barack Obama is articulate and eloquent. I thought for sure they were going to get a room after bickering for 90 minutes. Can you imagine Cindy McCain going over to Africa on a human rights mission and getting.....dirty? Me neither.

McCain or Obama....Obama or McCain? How abut neither and we make Kevin Federline our king?

Fight the Spammer

I received this email in my inbox.

Dear friend,I am sincerely Sorry for bugging into your privacy, it's due to a businessdeal in my bank value at thirty seven million four hundred thousand usdollars,($37.4M) as a foreigner can present you as the beneficiary to theinheritance.l am Mr.Rob Chapman Director of Systems The Banksa Managing Director, thisopportunity will be of mutual benefit to the two of us. I would provideyou with all the necessary documents to lay claims and also I would availyou with the modalities we shall follow once I hear from you Because of myposition in office, please endeavor to keep to your self issue concerningthis proposal.If you are interested,kindly get back to me with your full contactinformation's and phone number via email ( oryou can reach me any time on my phone (+612-800-3 7218).If not interested you can delete this mail

Regards,Mr.Rob Chapman

I get several of these a month and normally delete them. Being unemployed does have its advantages in that I have some spare time now. So I responded. I don't have proof that I responded other than this cut and paste. But I assure you, this is what I sent this individual. I swear.

Dr. Mr. Rob Chapman,

Words cannot express the gratitude I have right now. Actions cannot express it either other than I shall give you a big hug and the Care Bear of your choice when we finally meet after you have made me a multi-millionaire. Your timing is impeccable. How did you know that I was broke? Also, do you have friends that have come across a lot of money because they all want to give it to ME! Talk about the right place at the right time. I sure am glad y'all found me. So what do we do next?

I am confused as to your accent. Most people lose the accent when typing but I could almost hear the excitement in your voice as you chose ME of all people to be the beneficiary of this money. Who died and made us rich, partner? Can we find some more dead people and take their millions? I think we can do a lot of good with this money. I know of at least one mobile home that needs some fixin', not to mention some friends who could use some new gloves for the winter.

Please email me and tell me what to do next. I am on pins and needles. A tad painful, but for this amount of cash, it don't hurt that bad.

Maybe he will write back....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Costco on a Sunday

There are lots of things you should avoid as a human being. Putting your head in an oven. Shouldn't do that. Microwaving your cell phone wrapped in tinfoil, stuffed into an empty soup can. Shouldn't do that either. Bathe in battery acid. I have heard that is a no-no. Put Ben Gay on your dog's private parts. My brother did that once in high school. Probably a bad idea. Funny at 15, but not a good idea. Going to Costco on a Sunday is another one of those "are you seriously retarded" moments. I was retarded this past Sunday and did just that.

It isn't the fact that its busy. I can accept busy. Busy is not the right word for Costco on a Sunday. It is overwhelming. It's like 48 hours before a hurricane at Home Depot in St. Petersburg. It feels like a shopping spree at Toys R' Us for the not-so-privileged. It is over sized carts and one-armed sweeps. It is an over-abundance of the not-really-necessary. It is a chance to get things that in real life you don't need that much of's right there in front of you and it's only $12. Two gallons of Cranberry-Pomegranate juice for $9? Hell yes! You may not know what it tastes like, but it's TWO GALLONS! That's $4.50 a gallon, $.07 an ounce and a cleaner urinary tract. That's a venti anything at Starbucks. Gotta do it.

This is the day, more so than normal, that the sample zombies come out. If you want to sample the newest appetizer, go on Sunday. I think half of the people shopping are just going for lunch. With 100 different samples to try, you can eat for free and get out without having to spend an arm and a leg for 269 Huggies diapers in a box that requires a travel trailer and 300 bungee cords. My wife and I followed a cart with an older couple that tried everything they came across. When I say everything, I mean everything. Whatever the sample, they had it. They both had it. Their cart remained empty through every isle. I was sure of the fact that these people were there just for the samples. We parted ways after about 66 samples, mostly because we actually were there to buy something. I couldn't get over the fact that they even sampled a medicine cup full of Splenda brown sugar. Who does that? Costco-ites, that's who. Stupid samples....

My brother went to take some shorts back to Costco back in 1997 (time unknown actually, but since he will be reading this, I figure I will exaggerate for fun) and was walking through the front door to the return counter. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a Costco Centurion guard approach, spear in hand, and grabbed my brothers arm to let him know that he shall not pass without the golden ticket. Feeling threatened and weaponless, he dropped the shorts and walked out, vowing never to return to Costco after his brush with death. To this day, he will not go back. It is kind of like an alien abduction. In his defense, I will say that the people that "guard" the entrance are pretty worthless. Even if the membership card is not valid, they will not be able to check out anyway. So why be so....brash? He doesn't go to Costco on Sunday or any other day that ends in "Y." One less customer.

Even Rome fell eventually.

The insanity that is Costco on a Sunday is really indescribable, even with the many words above. It is not something to experience. That is what the Eiffel Tower is for. I am sure there needs to be a disclaimer for that particular day. Shop at your own risk and watch for peeling flesh and puddles of drool. The zombies are about...

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Islamabad, Home of Dish Network Customer Support

I am all for companies saving money. If they want to outsource a job, there is not much we as little people can do to stop them. However, if they really wanted to save money, a better option may be to stop paying their CEO's so much money to delegate all of their work. The highest paid folks seem to do the least amount of work. At least, that is the view I get from the cheap seats.

What do I know. I am unemployed.

I recently moved from one apartment to another. In order for me to move my Dish Network service, I needed to have a technician come out to the new apartment to install it. An appointment was set for a Wednesday, which came and went without a technicians arrival. So I called 1-800-thick-accent to find out what occurred. The following discussion took place.

Dish Operator - Thank you for contacting DEESH NETWORK, home of best H-DEE and DVR service, my name is TOM, how can I help you.

Me- Your name is what?

D.O. - Tom. What is the problem I can help you with?

Me - Well, TOM....I was supposed to have someone come out today between 9AM and 12PM to install my dish and no one has arrived. I was wondering if something was wrong.

D.O. - I apologize for all inconvenience this may have cause. Let me look up your account things. May I please have the number of your phone?

Me - Looking at the phone, Tom, I think the number is 385. But it is a Motorola. I think I see a Z on the front of it.

D.O. - OK, sir, I am not finding a 385 in our system. You said your name was Motorola?

**At this point, it was too much fun not getting a tech out to my new place. So I just continued going on and seeing how far this would go**

Me - No, first name is Z, like the Zebra. Last name Motorola, middle name 385

D.O. - OK.... Sir, I am having a time finding your info. Please wait please.

**This is obviously a call overseas for more obvious reasons than the fact that the company in charge of handling Dish Network's service thinks Barbara Streisand music is any good**

Different Dish Network Operator - Hello, seer? My name is Mike. Can you please give me your account info again? I seem to not be able to find you.

Me - That's because Tom was working with me before. I am not sure what he did not understand. I gave him my phone number. It is . My name is .

Mike (Operator) - OK, here it moment, please sir and apologize for the holding.

Tom - OK, seer. Thank you for the holding. Can you verify your address of your home please?

Me - Sure. It is .

Tom - OK, that is not the information that is in front of me.

Me - Hmmm...well that might explain why no one has come out to install my dish. Is it possible that someone can come out today? I am missing Jenna's Playhouse right now.

Tom - Sir, I apologize for all this problems. We can get someone out next week sometime. What is the address for the technician?

Me - I don't even know his name, so I couldn't tell you his address. I think he drives a truck though and carries a bag of tools.

Tom - OK, like I said again, I do apologize for all the problems. Uh....

Me - That's OK Tom. I accept your apology for the polar ice caps, but as far as the world economy, "sorry" just doesn't cut it.

Tom - OK, thank you. Can I get you with anything else today?

Me - Angelina Jolie, if possible.

Tom - OK, I will see if we can do that. Can you hold on for a moments?

Me - Sure

I was losing interest in playing "How Far To Push The Ishtar." It was too easy. Needless to say I promptly cancelled Dish soon after they missed their second appointment. I did give them all the info and argued profusely when I called later in the day on the incompetence in appointment scheduling and wondered why it was that an electronic key stroke is so hard to perform. I stressed to the next person I spoke with that Barbara Streisand was a HUGE turn off while on hold and several times I thought about repeatedly falling on a sharp instrument because of it.

I got several apologies. That was nice. Angelina, however, still has not gotten a hold of me.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Difference Between and Douche and a Turd Sandwich

If you are a fan of South Park, the above title will ring more true to you than to those who aren't. It is a satirical reference to the election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. It is a choice between two things that, well, suck. This election, at least in my opinion, we face the same dilemma. I am torn between two people that I do not want in office. We DO need a change, not only because the Constitution says we do, but this country is going into the shitter real fast. But what kind of change can we tolerate? This election will be based on an electorate that has grown exponentially over the past 8 years. If nothing else, our country's problems have grown "acres" of voters. However, how educated are these voters? They are infants, frankly, eager to participate in a process that is unfamiliar to them. It is more than punching a ballot. It is educating yourself to find out where these politicians stand.

But where do they stand? A platform is only as strong as the candidate preaching it. G.W. has proven that you can say and do anything to get elected. Maybe now he and his Dad will have stuff to talk about at family gatherings. If you recall, his experience in government was as limited as Obama's, yet, he still got elected because he surrounded himself with great people. Where has that gotten us? Deeper in the hole, both globally and domestically. So are we prepared to allow a good speaker; an articulate inexperienced politician to take office based on the fact he is black, a first timer? I am not so sure. What has he really done?

Then you have McCain, who will most likely die in office. He has had more lesions removed from his face then any human on the face of the Earth, pun intended. He looks ailing. Plus, we will have a Stepford wife as a first lady. His V.P. will be seated next to Pelosi in the Senate. Talk about cat fight. This is a poor scenario. I believe in McCain's experience as a life long politician. I believe he has the experience to do the job, but my fear lies in his ability to finish what he starts. Does his heart have the beats remaining? Frankly, if it doesn't, I fear for the Nation. I like Tina Fe...err, Sarah Palin. I like the way she thinks, but is that her really thinking or is it some far off ghost writer? Maybe those people should be on the ticket; the people writing all of the fancy words these office seeker's speak.

So the choice is not as easy as it seems. I don't pay attention to the polls. I will tune into the debate tonight to listen to the banter back and forth but I doubt it will sway me much. I really don't know he to vote for come November. The douche....or the turd sandwich. Honestly, either one sounds awful.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

My New Retirement Plan

Since the market has been performing swimmingly, I have been giving some serious thought to my financial future. Being 35-years old, it came to mind that this might be a good time to ponder the lifestyle I want when I retire. At the current pace, I am destined to have a shitload of inner tubes, cemented to a piece of plywood, ala Huck Finn, floating downstream on a major body of water.

My wife and I went to an exotic pet store in Kennewick yesterday and saw some baby tortoises. Not knowing about their cost, I was shocked that they were almost $200 a pop. For a four-hundred dollar investment, it is possible to breed these things and sell them to pet stores around the country. The thought occurred to me that the overhead required for such an investment would be rather small, at least initially. Figure the average brood for a mating pair is 30 eggs. Even if 50% perished, that left 15 baby turtles. Now, of course, the pet store would not pay retail, so figure a 50% reduction for a wholesale price, that was $100 a turtle. That's $1500 a brood. Tick, tock, tick, tock....

We also have an English Bulldog we want to breed. He is not a champion, and is pet quality (one of the best dogs I have ever owned), his semen would not be a "prize possession." However, it would be realistic to assume that we could get $300 per specimen shipped to an approved bitch.

Bitch....LOL....Bitch Bitch Bitch.....OK, all done.

That being said, the thought occurred to me AGAIN that I was missing on getting some money back from the market crashing by letting turtles hump in an aquarium and jerking my dog off. Of course, it is hard to explain how I made my money. I am sure I would have to come up with something other than I raise tortoises and give my dog a hand job every month. a 3000% return on investment is hard to come by. So, I think I will just refer to my idea as the BOHICA investment package, in the name of my bullie Gus.

Bend Over Here It Comes Again

I will have to research just how valid this opportunity is. I will keep you posted.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dear the Person Who Wrote "City of Angels"

I hate you.

It isn't like I have not seen this movie numerous times. It is not like the movie's ending is a surprise. Guy is an angel, falls in love with a mortal human, becomes human to be with his love, love dies. Even on the outside looking in, it is as predictable as Tony Soprano's love for Italian food. I really only have one question.


There are so many other ways to end the movie. It is possible to even have a happy ending where they have little angel babies, or they both get to see angels walkng around. Instead, you proved yet one more time how women can not be satisfied. I mean really, what fruit salad needs Asian pears and nutmeg or All Spice? The salad seemed complete, especially since the end reult of eating the salad is the same regardless of its contents. It is still a very fibrous bowel movement, the smell of nutmeg being far removed early on in the digestion process.

I hate you.

Who the hell rides their bike on a mountain road with no hands, eyes closed, feeling the wind in their face? This does NOTHING except make logging truckers who kill those types of people guilty for the rest of their lives. All because someone thought it would be great to end the movie with a horrific car/bike accident. The only time I get to see the end of this movie is when my wife is gone because she always flips it about the time Nicolas Cage comes down from his Earthly shower to sit at an empty table, reminiscing about how men and women "fit together," and how fruit salad is super yummy WITHOUT ASIAN PEARS! Even then, when the candle goes out and he races down to hold his love, I am sure the question came up...WHY DID YOU THINK THE SALAD NEEDED ANYTHING ELSE???? WHY?!?!?!

So, just so we are clear....I hate you.


Guy who paid retail to see this movie

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