Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Lindsay Lohan was bulimic. I know, I know...collect yourselves because when I heard the news, the first thing that came to my mind was, "NO SHIT!"

If you actually believed that she went from 130 pounds to 95 pounds by eating healthy, then I want the crack YOU snort because mine only gives me scabies. I remember People magazine showing before and after pictures of Ms. Lohan. At first glance I was like, "before what? The famine?" Or maybe it was AFTER her time at Treblinka. Regardless, I am sure the money and fame just overcame her and she decided to....well, you know....become a stereotype. Now before anyone says, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS LIKE FOR....." let me say, SHUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT UP. Good Lord. What is SO hard about having enough money to purchase, wreck, then PURCHASE another brand new Mercedes? Why is it so difficult for YOU, Lindsay, to have people look up to you? People looked up to you at 130 pounds. If someone told you that you needed to lose weight or you would not be working, two things pop into my head. One, you SUCK at money management, IE saving from previous movies, albums, bribes, etc. Two, why did you NOT tell that person to fuck off? At the very least, you could have said....thanks for your opinion, but please refrain from using the word 'work.' It isn't a cry for help, it is a cry for attention. Remember, this is the CHILD star of Parent Trap, OK. 17 hour days on the set of is NOT work as you are spoon fed EVERYTHING. The only thing TRYING is keeping your eyes open after a coke binge the night before.

Another role model down the drain. First, Kate Moss. Then Courtney Lindsay. How glad...err...sad people must be. Turn the page....I have read this chapter more than I care to.

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