If you are a fan of reality television, then the debut of The Bachelor in Paris last night caught your attention. If you aren't familiar with the show, then I hope that your vacation to Mars for the last few years was a good one, and welcome back to Earth.
Brief synopsis...25 girls, 1 guy. Over the next couple of months, guy will have to pick one to "marry" and then become the following months front cover of People magazine which will read "BACHELOR AND HIS BACHLORETTE SPLIT!" The first night, he has to let 14 of them go. Boohoo....but lots and lots of eyeballing, bitching and backstabbing. I like that better than I like watching the macho counterpart, "The Bachlorette," which usually asks back the runner up from the Bachelor back for more make out sessions in hot tubs. Hell, why not. Lucky bastards.
I have to admit, from a heterosexual stand point, the Bachelor this year is a 33-year old physician who is a good looking human being. Tall, handsome and a doctor. Funny, all the women said, "he is just my type," type indicating income level. There were a couple doctors in the crowd of 25 that said they were shoe-ins based on their medical tie-ins. I disagreed right away. Why would you want to go home and talk about work?
Honey, how was your day?
Great...I held a man's heart in my hands as he died. How about you?
Lost two kids to a carcinoma, and had to chase one Mom up to the roof to keep her from jumping.
Sounds like a great time doesn't it? Yeah, I didn't think so either. But there was one oncologist who was just bitter. Her motivation for coming to the Bachelor? In her words, "it is time to begin the reproductive phase of my life." Pardon? Hello, nice to meet you. My ovaries are fast approaching the leathery-faced look of Keith Richards. I need to reproduce and you will do. Oh, and my name is Karen by the way. Come on....and she was shocked when she got let go. The reason people get married, in her words, is to "reproduce and populate the Earth." OK, Eve. Was this a message handed down from a booming voice from above? Pardon the guy if he doesn't want to play Adam. He has only been in school for a better part of a decade and will begin his 24-hour schedule soon. Forget about the dating part. Skip to the late night feedings and colic. What a jerk....I know.
I am not a saint. I rant a lot. Some times I get heated in my ramblings. If you are botherd by an occasional F-Bomb, turn away now. If you don't mind it, stick around, read on. You'll laugh and cry all in one viewing!
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