Saturday, May 02, 2009

My Hospital Stay

On Friday, 4/24, I went in to my general surgeon's office to have my staples removed from my gall bladder incisions. I had been in a lot of pain, walking hunched over, having a hard time breathing and discussed thi with y doc at the appointment. My stomach was firm; too firm to be good news. Kind of like Baywatch without the hotness. I had some blood work done and had a CT scan scheduled for the following Monday. When the blood work came back, my white blood cell count was at 28,000, and I was having the CT immediately.

They found an absess and an air pocket in my abdomen. I went in for surgery Saturday to get cleaned out. A lot of my organs had stuck together and peeling them apart caused a lot of inflamation...A LOT of inflamation. So, I have been fighting this bacteria in my gut for a week, the antibiotics messing with my kidney function (creatnine levels are rising). I found out today that my white blood cell count went from 13,700 yesterday to 16,000. Not sure why. No one knows why. I am just a medical mystery at the moment.

I will try to keep you all posted as things happen.

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