Monday, October 24, 2005

Tax Dollars Well Spent...

Before I go on, I actually Googled the phrase, "what can $333 million dollars buy," and came up with this link....

I would hate to think someone thought I was PLAGERIZING someone's ideas.

This is the amount of money spent to smash a NASA probe into a comet. This was done, according to researchers, to determine how the universe was formed some 4.5 billion years ago. This data would prove relevant to the modern world because....why exactly? This is worse than hearing the Olympics were in London. Who cares? In a billion years or so, the sun will explode anyway. There are some bigger problems to deal with than finding out that the Big Bang theory is simply a title to a Ron Jeremy flick. Been down south lately? I was in South Carolina and Georgia about 10 years ago. I think $333 million could be better spent building some homes for the people sleeping in boxes. If it was invested in the US Postal Service, I could use my $.37 stamp to mail two letters. Gas would be cheaper because the $200 billion spent in Iraq has only made crude oil rise. Better schools? Maybe then I can feel comfortable putting my kids on a bus knowing that they just might come home smarter.

$333 million? That is like spending money on a study to find out how people become obese. Here....F.D.A.....send me the money and, pay attention, this is why people are obese. THEY EAT TOO FUCKING MUCH! There....when can I expect my grant check? It is almost as bad as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) spending countless man hours to come to this whopper of a conclusion. "NTSB study finds plane flying too low just before crash." Ya think? Most planes that crash usually are flying too low, dumbshits. Or "NTSB claims plane inadvertently flew into mountain." Wow...let's see....$85,000 a year times 345 employees needed to do study equals MY TAX DOLLARS BURNED IN OVEN! I seriously doubt the pilot was playing chicken thinking the mountain would give first.

Pilot - C'mon chicken....move....

Co-Pilot - Ummm...Bob, that is a mountain. You are going to hit the mountain if you don't move.

Pilot - I saw this in Nam once. It will move....gotta have faith. C’mon you dirty bastard.....move.

Every two weeks, 38% of my check is gone....BOOM...just like that. Then come April 15, the government wants me to check and see if I have paid enough taxes. PAID??? To quote Chris Rock....I don't pay taxes, they TAKE taxes. That is a JACK! Thank God I do pay taxes and I get to see the wealth of information coming from what I help pay for......

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