Thursday, July 07, 2011

Of Course This Happened

This conversation actually took place. The names have not been changed because anyone willing that would sue me over this can't read, or cannot afford the Internet.

8:47PM (knock at the door)(Kid's scream "I'LL GET IT," and scramble to the door. I yell, "SIT DOWNNNNNNN," and get up to get the door. (door opens)

Ariel - Ummmm....hiiiiiii. I need to ask Peyton something?

Me - Is that a question? Want me to shut the door so you can refocus your energy on your tone of voice?

Ariel - I need to ask Peyton something.

Me - I know I heard that part, although bravo on the change in fluctuation. Unfortunately Peyton is in bed already.

Ariel - can you wake her up?

Me - I can but that involves doing something that makes absolutely no sense. It's almost 9PM.

Ariel - Can you wake her up?

Me - What the fuck?? Your like a parrot. Do you always repeat yourself or is it just really organized Tourette's?

Ariel - (stares back blankly)

Me - (waves hand in front of Ariel's face) Anyone home or is your Mom's pre-birth drinking problem kicking in?

Ariel - I need to ask Peyton something

Me - I know...we've been over this already. What do you need to ask her?

Ariel - I need her to sign my shirt.

Me - That's not really a question. That's more of a demand. A question is like a when your Mom said do you have protection and your Dad said no and you are, verbally waterboarding me with your words.

Ariel - Can she sign my shirt?

Me - she can't get her clothes in her fucking drawers while she is awake. Something tells me, like common sense, that she can't do that while in a coma

Ariel - what's a coma?

Me - It's that thing you aren't using in your hair, with an 'A'

Ariel - Can she sign it on Saturday?

Me - Nope.

Ariel - Why?

Me - we practice a really screwy religion where writing instruments aren't used on any day that ends in Y. That pretty much leaves Saturwednessun which, unfortunately for you, doesn't exist.

Ariel - when can she sign it?

Me - about the same time you become tolerable

Ariel - (silence)

Me - soooo...about never. Does that suffice??

Ariel - Maybe?

Me - again with the questions....I have to go tend to my sheep so don't be offended when the door slams

(door slams)

There is a high probability that this girl, accidentally or not, broke my wife's car window. She has a sociopathic look to her that makes me fear for lives of rodents and local door knobs. She eyeballs Peyton's rabbit like it's a pork chop. I know I am getting old behaving like a grump, but I only have so much patience and I reserve it for my family, and my patients. Beyond that, the Future Serial Killers of America can deal with the rest.

Ted Bundy

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