Thursday, October 01, 2009

Be Thankful

Before Facebook came around, I bet there was only a handful of people I kept in contact with after high school. A handful, AT BEST. The more I communicate with people, the more I think to myself....why would were any of you friends with me? Like a lot of friends, I lost touch with me, I suppose. I fell into the category of "trying to find myself." I never really knew what that meant until my keys came up to me the other day, all frustrated that they were late to the ignition because I was cowering under a sofa cushion. This isn't a pity me story. Not at all. Part of the reason I have this blog and that I focus so much on finding humor in everything that happens in life is because a lot of days, I need the outlet to get by. I need to find the humor in the storms passing in and out of my life on a daily basis. I swear, if I didn't, I would explode in some fashion that would closely resemble a very messy supernova of some kind. That is beside the point. Sometimes, most times, I try to be funny because I can. I like making people laugh. It makes my day knowing that somewhere, often times in places I have never visited, someone is reading my words and saying "oh my GOD, that is SO true." That is my hope, my dream I guess, to bind all of this up and make it a novelette of sorts that people can take with them anywhere they go and simply get it.

There are some posts in here that, sometimes even after hilarity, often touch people in places they maybe are afraid to go. Self-reflection is difficult. I am not talking about looking at yourself and saying "I really need to lose 30 pounds." I am talking about going deeper than that. Through all of the skin and bones, to places beyond the walls of your heart, through the eyes of God, really finding out what kind of person you are. When you die, that definition is what will follow you. Will your spirit touch those around you, and maybe those far away, causing them to remember you for being a warm-hearted, compassionate person? Or will they turn the other cheek, huffing because you never let them in, or showed them your true capability to love something more than yourself? Being we can never expect the unexpected, don't you think its time people know who you are?

Being I am not perfect, anything I say, any pseudo-advice I give is meant for me as much as it is for anyone. Did you tell your kids you love them? Did you thank your parents for packing all that crap up every summer and hauling you and your friends to camp? Have you told your significant other that the words "I appreciate you" don't really apply to them because they aren't enough? Are you thankful? Did you praise God, even through the tough times, for challenging you and helping your faith grow, knowing full well that the trial was just that, a test of faith? How are your relationships? Life is all about the relationships we make and maintain, the latter being the most important. Never underestimate the power of friendship, the power of prayer in that circle of friends. Never forget that they are there for you, and the times you think you are alone that you are never alone. Don't go another day thinking that no one loves you, that no one cares, that your imperfections are some sort of ailment that causes you to be inferior. You are not the only one with fears, who is terrified of the day, wondering how you are going to screw it up.

Every day above ground is a day to give thanks for. Those days are numbered. We never know when the last day will be. It is scary to think about and even more scary to know that it is a fact. We will all shuffle off this mortal coil. What will your eulogy say? Who will talk about you? Is your life worth celebrating?

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.

Will you have made a difference in somebody's life other than your own?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Eli!!! I simply look forward to reading your blogs... You are so right on about so many things and have such an uncanny way of stating all of it. Please don't stop, I know that you have more than a plate full right now and once you are accepted to nursing school that plate will be overflowing. Just please, for my own selfish reasons, never stop your writing.. Thanks.... deb

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