Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quality, not Quantity

I hate complaining, yet within every one of these posts is me....complaining. It's my nature and my vice. I don't do it in public forums even though this can be considered both public and forum. Fuck it. You will have to deal with me like the red-headed step-child that I least today. It's my birthday. I'm right...if on no other day than today. Continue you on at your own risk....

Facebook is a great thing, I think. It passes the time, it allows us to keep up on the goings-on of our friends and family. It is, as defined, a social networking tool. It is meant to build some relationships, make new friends or friends that we have known for a long time. This blog has made its way overseas through the sharing of posts and I have made some "fans," both near and far. Maybe it will make it to SNL and I can write a skit about something funny. Who knows. If this blog doesn't go anywhere, that's OK too. It saves me on mental health visits and allows me a certain sense of security knowing I can rant a few paragraphs, hit post, and feel 100% better. This is one of those days. There might be some people, a handful, that I can count on one finger, that will look at this post and say, "WTF...I'm not like that." Yes you are. Its called denial. Look into it....

I used to think that the more friends I had on Facebook, the more fulfilling my life would be. Then I realized, after putting down the whip cream can, that makes as much sense as Gary Coleman babysitting my kids. I deleted some, not out of some level of disdain, or aggravation, but rather the quality of your friend list should be reasonable. It isn't fair to say "Hey I am your friend," and then say absolutely nothing for months. If you have so many friends that you can't talk to all of them, that is a problem. If you have a lot of friends (say over 600) and you DO talk to all of them, then you need to get out more because that is STILL not quality. My friends list is not used to beg and plead for assistance, favors, dinner, movie tickets....or anything remotely resembling materialism. I ask only for good conversation, a laugh or two, a "hey, what's up." Anything beyond that seems to be desperation, a quest for attention, a need for acceptance. If I had to rely on people on a website to validate my existence, there is a good chance I might eat a bullet. Yet, I see it...often. Its annoying. Its disturbing, but even more disturbing is that some people don't see it. So I write this just to make it crystal clear.

Maybe it's because its my birthday, or it's Wednesday...or I am stuck at school for both occasions. Maybe I am just tired of seeing the same bullshit pop up on my "most recent news" page. Either way, as comical as it is to see the same shit said over and over and over again, enough is enough. I don't care if your shit gets hacked. It comes from accepting friend requests from people you don't know. It comes from the spastic action of clicking anything that pops up. For future reference don't click any website that says www.iamgoingtotrollyourpagetomakeyousoundretarded. Ultimately, that's what happens. I don't feel bad for you. I think it's funny that you see shadows, or get frustrated that you can't log onto Facebook from somewhere other than a desk. It shows that you have an addiction problem. Or it shows that you have zero patience. It makes me laugh, but it's too predictable. Are you afraid to delete the profile and start over? Yes, you will have zero friends again, but you seemingly have all the time in the world to jot down all of their names. I am sure you can find them later. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing twice, the same way, and expecting different results. Do you hear that knock at your door? Insanity wants back in.

Keep your personal business off of the status updates. Everyone has problems, but so you know, Facebook is not a forum for the woe is me. It desensitizes people. Oh no, there it goes again....talking about how life sucks. always sucks. Its called life. Appreciate the life you DO have and stop bitching about the shit you DON'T have. It gets old, real fast. Like progeria. Stop it because you look pathetic doing it. Facebook is not a place to get handouts. It's not a shelter....soup kitchen, or a shrink's office. Go to either of the above directly and bypass sharing your woes. It doesn't matter. I have my own problems to deal with and deal with them internally, not publicly. You should try it. Please. I won't complain.

...and that's a first.

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