Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some Imbalances Can't Be Fixed

If a person develops a pituitary tumor, there is a cascade of events that occur because the hormone release track is interrupted. Growth hormone should stop being released at around puberty, but if that doesn't happen, a number of diseases can occur. Same thing with anti-diuretic hormone. If that is not secreted, you can't stop peeing....not incontinence, but it creates a water problem, big time. Luteinizing hormone won't get properly balanced, causing bizarre secondary sexual characteristics, and follicle stimulating hormone imbalances can cause sterility. I have learned that there is no shut the phuck up hormone, not medically, but I am witnessing what an imbalance would look like. (I decided that removing her name is the only fair thing to do since it is next to impossible for her to defend herself while I am still alive.)

(NAMELESS IDIOT) March 24 at 7:31am Report
FYI I now have 686 friends!!!! I don't even miss your name calling. And, my friends are happy you aren't there to ruin their days, discount their importance in my life, and call me names. Thanks for helping me toss out all of the "bad apples" so to speak.

I am not a mean person by nature. I am pretty laid back. I thought a bit about responding back via Facebook, but instead of doing that, I decided to post my response here, for the world to read. I am sure it will get heated. Some people might say, "OH MY GOD, that POOR girl." Rightfully so. However, maybe she should have just let the sleeping dog lie. No biggie to me, this gives me something to write about that's entertaining.

Dearest Moron,

Where to begin. For someone not missing me, its funny how you specifically sought me out to let me know you don't miss me. Being we are no longer friends on Facebook, you had to go outside your immense friends list to find me, click my name, and then click send message. As predicted, you being you, by telling me you have 686friends. That's awesome. I am glad you find value in those relationships. I am not saying they aren't important people in your life. I have no idea. But you advertise it to me like I have a speck of feeling that they matter to you. I don't give a shit.

The simple truth of it is, the fact an Internet posting gets all of your friends riled up defines hilarity. Really? I had no idea I had that kind of impact. Thank you for demonstrating how powerful my words are. You have told me before I don't know you. It's true. I know only what I have seen through Facebook. They are very sad, depressing, redundant factoids that make me wonder if some intervention needs to take place for the safety of your children. You gave me nothing to go on. Kind of like Heidi Montag, your life is undesirable, minus the decent looks and phuckability. There is nothing to go on except the high pitch whining about life. Get past it. Get way past it and stop looking in the rear view mirror. Right now, there are some friends on your list that keep you around for the entertainment value alone. It keeps them going, not in favor of you, but justifies their own life being decent in comparison to yours. You are the rule. When someone says "It could be worse," they mean you. Not a guess. It's a fact. I have heard it first hand, and have seen it many times in emails I have received.

Last but certainly not least, stop emailing me. Stop communicating with me altogether. The end result will be blog fodder. I actually have a fan base outside of Facebook that wonders what I will say next. Your fan base is a group of people that stumbled upon a picture of you after Googling "hopeless" and then hitting images. Your trials and tribulations don't matter. Your negativity is old. You are pathetic in more ways than I care to describe. There are not enough adjectives to properly give your life its proper due. I am sure there are a few people that are glad you grace this Earth. That's great for them. Stop pretending I care that they care. Life has taught me a lot about what's important in my life. The things that aren't important, I let go of. Hence my no longer being your friend on the Internet. I won't miss you. I am glad, however, that some of my friends have kept you around. At least, vicariously through them, I can see just how retarded you are. You did teach me one very valuable thing....

It could be worse....

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