Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Difference Between and Douche and a Turd Sandwich

If you are a fan of South Park, the above title will ring more true to you than to those who aren't. It is a satirical reference to the election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. It is a choice between two things that, well, suck. This election, at least in my opinion, we face the same dilemma. I am torn between two people that I do not want in office. We DO need a change, not only because the Constitution says we do, but this country is going into the shitter real fast. But what kind of change can we tolerate? This election will be based on an electorate that has grown exponentially over the past 8 years. If nothing else, our country's problems have grown "acres" of voters. However, how educated are these voters? They are infants, frankly, eager to participate in a process that is unfamiliar to them. It is more than punching a ballot. It is educating yourself to find out where these politicians stand.

But where do they stand? A platform is only as strong as the candidate preaching it. G.W. has proven that you can say and do anything to get elected. Maybe now he and his Dad will have stuff to talk about at family gatherings. If you recall, his experience in government was as limited as Obama's, yet, he still got elected because he surrounded himself with great people. Where has that gotten us? Deeper in the hole, both globally and domestically. So are we prepared to allow a good speaker; an articulate inexperienced politician to take office based on the fact he is black, a first timer? I am not so sure. What has he really done?

Then you have McCain, who will most likely die in office. He has had more lesions removed from his face then any human on the face of the Earth, pun intended. He looks ailing. Plus, we will have a Stepford wife as a first lady. His V.P. will be seated next to Pelosi in the Senate. Talk about cat fight. This is a poor scenario. I believe in McCain's experience as a life long politician. I believe he has the experience to do the job, but my fear lies in his ability to finish what he starts. Does his heart have the beats remaining? Frankly, if it doesn't, I fear for the Nation. I like Tina Fe...err, Sarah Palin. I like the way she thinks, but is that her really thinking or is it some far off ghost writer? Maybe those people should be on the ticket; the people writing all of the fancy words these office seeker's speak.

So the choice is not as easy as it seems. I don't pay attention to the polls. I will tune into the debate tonight to listen to the banter back and forth but I doubt it will sway me much. I really don't know he to vote for come November. The douche....or the turd sandwich. Honestly, either one sounds awful.

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